
Showing posts with the label State Fish

State Tree of Sikkim - Rhododendron niveum Hook. f.

Sikkim is said to be home to 30 per cent of India’s flowering plant species. Among the 40 different Rhododendron found in Sikkim, Rhododendron niveum Hook. f. is the State Tree of Sikkim. Identified with its deep magneta colour, the species is an evergreen shrub. It is locally called Hiupatae gurans. The best blooming season is April-May.

State Fish of Sikkim - Copper Mahseer

On August 26, 2021, the Government of Sikkim designated Neolissochilus Hexagonolepis, often known as Chocolate or Copper Mahseer and locally known as Katley, as a State Fish of Sikkim. The goal of the programme was to emphasise the importance of the fish and conservation efforts. Its greatest length is 120.0 centimetres (3.937 feet), and its maximum weight is 11.0 kilogrammes.